by Ken Harge | Mar 16, 2019 | Inspirational
What if there is no heaven?
What if there is, but you wouldn’t like it when you get there?
What if there’s a hell and you would like it when you get there?
What if this life is all there is?
What if when you leave here, your soul, spirit, energy reunites with universal energy and you live on through those who come after you, the things you’ve done, or in the hearts of those who knew and loved you?
What if the real you, is the thought, or feeling, or energy of you?
What if, when you really get down to it, you never really die, you just reorganize?
What if depression is God calling you to your greatness?
What if autism is intellect on a higher order?
What if the knowledge of a certain death is a gift, if we could learn to use it to our advantage?
What if the voice of God is what you do every day?
What if there is no God?
What if YOU are God?
What if YOU are a part of God?
What if the only holy book you need is the journal that you write in and keep at the side of your bed?
What if a huge capacity to love was a requirement for all government officials?
What if we decided that good healthcare is what all righteous countries guaranteed to all their citizens?
What if all political parties dissolved, and the only concern of our elected officials was – what is good for the people?
What if violence could be loved away?
What if at the end of the day…LOVE IS ALL THERE IS?
What if bad things happen to good people is because good people can do something good about it?
What if your partner cheated on you to challenge you to leave and find a partner who would never cheat on you?
What if we are the only intelligent beings in the universe? What if we aren’t but the other beings will never come in contact with us?
What if you knew for sure that you are here for something great and you acted upon that belief with rock hard determination?
What if every thought and creative expression already exists?
If you could have any job or own any business what would that be?
If you didn’t know where you lived, where would you want to live?
If you didn’t know who you are, who would you be?
Here’s the thing…the life or world you desire just might be a question or two away from where you are right now.
One last question – what are your questions?
Stay Fly and Fly High
by Ken Harge | Feb 11, 2019 | Inspirational
I pray that this brand-new year receives you with the open arms of love, possibility, and healing. May this be the year you move closer to a life that is abundant in every way you desire. Living with discipline can be challenging for sure. So, if you want to save money, change your diet or lose weight, start a business, or get through college classes, I pray that you will be able to break any goal you have into small manageable chunks, do what must be done, and feel the power of progress.
I hope that you will be able to love yourself. For some this may be one of the hardest things you’ve ever done, but it’s worth every effort you put towards it. From time to time just do something really nice for yourself. It doesn’t have to be big or expensive, just something you wouldn’t ordinarily do. Go to a restaurant, a movie, get a massage, or put together a kick ass outfit and go to a play all by your beautiful self. Trust me, you’ll feel the love.
May this year allow you to forgive someone who has done you wrong.
Releasing the pain you carry is all about you. In forgiveness you put yourself
in the morally excellent space of knowing you’re big enough to move on,
regardless of what the other person does. You don’t have to like that person,
you don’t even have to actually tell the person you’ve forgiven them. Just
simply let it go. You deserve that peace.
I pray that you can look past the short comings of others,
especially those you care about. Life is much less complicated when we drop the
excess baggage of petty annoyances. May you see the good in others, and they in
you. I hope you will know the joy of performing an unexpected act of kindness
towards a stranger. Please buy a coffee for the person in back of you and just
keep on walking. Mail a money order to a charity, drop some groceries or
clothes at a homeless shelter. The recipients will feel great, but I guarantee
that you will feel even better. Send a nice thought to a stranger on Facebook in
their inbox, particularly if you know they are going through a difficulty of
some kind. Your thoughtfulness will lighten their load and make your day.
I pray that you will realize the truth that you are here for
something great. I hope you’ll allow your imagination to dream amazing
technicolor dreams, and that you’ll find the courage to boldly go after
whatever it is that your heart desires. You cannot hold a dream in your heart
too big to be accomplished. I hope that you will run right up to the edge of
your limits and then confidently crash through the walls that have held you
back in the past.
May this be the year that you see yourself as worthy of
love, even if your choice is to be single. May you break through the bondage of
loneliness. May you be the friend or companion that you want to have. May you
know the kiss of a lover, the handshake or embrace of a friend, touch is
healing…reach out just reach out. Please know that love exists around you, and
all you have to do is send out the signal that you have love to give. Love will
find you, hang in there my friend.
I pray that you’ll spend some time out in nature. Look at
some flowers, a sunset, walk on a beach or in a forest, marvel at birds, dogs,
and cats as they frolic free of any concern. You can have that too, I pray that
you will.
I pray that this year will be less divisive than last year.
Everyone believes what they do for their own reasons. As smart as you are, you
are not in sole possession of all facts, knowledge, and wisdom. Allow people the
space to be who they are. Funny thing is, that will move them to do the same
for you. May we find a way to respect each other even if we don’t agree with
each other. Kindness, tolerance, and above all love will bring us much closer
than political flame throwing, I hope we’ll find a way to do better.
I pray that men will be able to feel safe to be fully human.
May we confidently embrace all of our emotions and learn to express them
appropriately. May we find a way to walk away from violence and not engage in
it. I pray that women will be treated as equal to their male counterparts and
may all men respects women’s right to feel safe in any environment. I pray that
sexual abuse of any kind be spoken out against and resisted by all of us.
This past year as all years we have lost a lot of dear
souls. If you have been affected by the loss of a loved one, I pray that you
will be able to gradually move forward into a healing space. I pray that you’ll
be able to reflect on the good things they have done and the good times you
shared, and that those wonderful memories will linger on your heart and bring warm
smiles to your face.
If you have any business or vocational aspirations, I pray
that you will find the determination and creative power you need to succeed in
exactly the way you see it in your imagination. If you have health concerns, I
pray that you find the medical expertise that you need and that you will be
able to summon the healing power in your beautiful mind to work powerfully on
your behalf.
I pray that this coming year will be your best year ever.
May it be filled will more good than bad, more light than darkness, more
happiness than sadness, huge helpings of mac and cheese, sweet potato pie, red
velvet cake, colorful salads (???), love, full body hugs, kisses, and laughter.
For all these things and more I pray…AMEN.
Happy New Year and One Love…Really
Stay Fly and Fly High,
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